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Last updated
Callable by any access token regardless of permissions. This endpoint returns all retirements, both on platform and off - if a retirement has not been claimed by a KYBd organization the only data shown is the amount and the project and a pdf can not be generated.
Callable by any access token regardless of permissions. This endpoint returns the data connected to a particular retirement.
Callable by any access token regardless of permissions.
Given an id of the retirement this is an endpoint that downloads the certificate.
Callable by any access token regardless of permissions.
Callable by any access token regardless of permissions. This endpoint finalizes
a given retirement certificate by setting the beneficiary, reason and comment for the certificate to become finalized
. This is mainly for retirements that happened off platform - onchain. See here for more info.
This endpoint returns all retirements, both on platform and off - if a retirement has not been claimed by a KYBd organization the only data shown is the amount and the project and a pdf can not be generated.
The amount of items to skip
The number of elements to return
API version
This endpoint can be used by owners of an onchain retirement to finalize their retirement certificate - a certificate is only available for finalization if the retirement was made onchain and the beneficiary is missing.
API version
The signer address.
The signature. This a standard signature created by signing the data as a string in the following format - with double ";;" between each field - "beneficiary;;comment;;reason;;projectAddress;;tokenId" for info on how to sign strings see ->
The signed retirement data object.