For transferring credits this is THE endpoint to use. You can transfer credits from an organization, user or subaccount.
to*all of
The receiver's information.
If the entity Id is supplied (user / org / subaccount) then the credits are sent to the corresponding account for that id.
If you want to deliver the credits to some address on Polygon you can use the publicKey address and leave the id undefined.
Finally if you are unsure if the receiver of the credits own's a account you can pass in the receiver's email, the credits will be sent to an escrow account that stores the credits until the owner of the email signs in and claims the credits.
The entity that holds the credits - if not a subaccountId the default subaccount will be used.
Example: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
credits*array of TransferCreditV1 (object)
The credits to transfer
An optional transaction comment
Example: "Transfer 2024"
receiptEmailsarray of EmailDto (object)
An optional list of emails to send the transaction receipt to