Fee Schedule 2024-2025
Last updated: 22/7/2024
Account fees[1]
General user (Personal account)
Organizational account (retirement only)
Organizational account Premium
575 USD/yr.
Project proponent/developer account [2]
850 USD/yr.
Validation & Verification Body annaul fee
900 USD/yr.
Market participant account
Project fees
500 USD
Project registration and review
1.000 USD
Monitoring and Verification report review
525 USD
Methodology fees
Methodology Concept note review fee
1.000 USD per review
Methodology review fee
2.000 USD per review
Methodology program management fee [4]
10.000 USD
Methodology management project hourly rate
200 USD/hour
Issuance and Credit Fees
Ex-Post issuance fee
0.18 USD/t CO2-e
Ex-Ante issuance fee
0.28 USD/t CO2-e
Ex-Ante activation fee (paid by buyer)
0.03 USD/t CO2-e
Methodology royalties
0.02 USD/t CO2-e
Secondary transfer (change of ownership) [3]
0.03 USD/t C02-e
Retirement of credits
Integrations and addons
Per service
[1] Account fees are applicable for organizations each organization can have multiple users for each account.
[2] A single account may be used to manage multiple projects and to manage projects that are participating in more than one schemes under the registry platform. It is thus not necessary to open separate accounts for each project or scheme.
[3] Transfer fees are collected on secondary transfers with in the registry.
[4] Project management by ICR on methodology development. Does not include consulting or advisory
Last updated