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You can invite others to join the project. This is a useful feature where a project proponent can invite a project developer or other relevant stakeholder to join the project and modify or view information that may not be publicly available.
If an individual has not established a user account, they can be invited to join by providing the name and email address of the individual. New users will receive an invitation to join the project, and the ICR platform via email. And onboarded as a user.
From the top right section, you click "Add user" to add more users to the project.
A search box appears where you can search for current users in the registry system.
If you find a current user by searching for email or a name, you can add the user as a Partner to the project by hovering over the user and click "Add partner".
If you can't find the user by searching by email or name, you can create a new user if you have a name and an email for the user. You click "Create" from the top right to enter the "Create user" dialog.
Complete providing the name and email to invite the user to join the registry and your project.
The user will receive an email with details on how to complete the setup. Also see "Create a user account". He will also receive a invite notification to join the project.
When you have created the user, you are invited to assign user privileges to the user. The user may be:
Admin (Full admin priveledges over the project (Authorized representative))
Editor (can edit but can´t request review by ICR)
Partner (Read-only access)
After you send the invite, you'll see that the new user is "Pending" approval to join the project.
When the user accepts the status changes to "Approved". If you see the user hasn't accepted it within a reasonable time, you can go from the action panel on the right side and resend the invitation.
From the action panel, you can also change the role of users.
Only admin users can change roles.