Project mitigations
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You need to provide information about the GHG emission mitigations resulting from the project activities. When you have completed providing the basic information the next step is to provide mitigation details.
From the project home screen or the project side panel, you choose Mitigations.
When you have entered the Mitigations view, you are requested to provide information about the GHG emission mitigations that result from the project. You need to start by providing information about:
Project type:
Intention on renewing the crediting period
Host country approval
Information about the project type is important to differentiate between projects that reduce GHG intensity in the atmosphere and projects that remove GHG from the atmosphere.
For project types, you must disclose if the project is avoidance/reduction, sequestration/removal, or a hybrid.
For avoidance there is by definition no risk of reversal, however for projects that are either sequestration/removal or a hybrid there is a permanence risk.
When selecting sequestration/removal or a hybrid, you must define the permanence of the sequestration/removal resulting from the project activities; see details in section 4.8.2 in the ICR requirement document.
If you intend to renew the crediting period, you should disclose that. Please see the requirements for crediting period renewal in the ICR requirement document.
If your project intends to obtain or has received a letter of attestation, according to procedures from Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreements and ICR requirement document, you need to select that the project has or is in the process of receiving such approval with a letter of attestation for corresponding adjustment. You need to provide an official letter of attestation from the authorized authority in the host country.
For projects that are considering international trading of impacts or under CORSIA or other schemes that requires corresponding adjustments in national inventory accounting, you need to provide a letter of authorization. Here you will be able to upload the letter of authorization for corresponding adjustment. If your project doesn't have such a letter please select no. This means that the host country will likely claim the impacts of the project when it reports for its NDC.
A template for a letter can be found here.
You need to provide an ex-ante estimation of GHG emission mitigation resulting from the project.
First, you need to set the start date of crediting if that differs from the start date of the project.
For the crediting period, you need to set the number of years. Please consider section 3.4 in the ICR requirement document.
Next, you need to input the ex-ante estimation of the GHG emission mitigations. Type in for each vintage.
Please consider the effects of the first and last year. See PDD template instructions.
Provide information on the frequency of monitoring, reporting and verification. and finally confirm the mitigations.