👤Create a user account
This is how you create your user account for the registry.
To create a user account, go either to carbonregistry.com or to app.carbonregistry.com and follow simple steps to establish your account.
From the app.carbonregistry.com site, navitate to "Register" to provide details, i.e. email address and create a strong password for your account. Note you're responsible for keeping passwords strong and safe. When ready click "Register".
You will be directed to verify the email address provided. Click "Continue" to proceed.
You will receive a verification email from "hello@mojoflower.io" with the verification link.
Next, you will be asked to provide information about yourself, i.e. name, citizenship, and gender.
Click "Continue" when you are ready.
You can upload a profile picture for your account if you wish or use the placeholder picture. We recommend uploading a picture.
When you're satisfied click "Continue" to proceed.
The final step is then to "Submit"
Finally, you have created your user account. If you have already been added as a member of an organization or project you will see them appear under the Home screen.
Last updated