ICR Appeals Committee Terms of Reference

1. Purpose

The ICR Appeals Committee is established to ensure fair, transparent, and timely resolution of appeals related to the ICR grievance process, ensuring decisions maintain the highest standards of quality and integrity.

2. Scope

The committee will handle appeals concerning:

  • Decisions on project validations and verifications.

  • Issuance or non-issuance of carbon credits.

  • Compliance with ICR standards and methodologies.

3. Membership

  • Composition: The committee consists of 3-5 members, including experts in carbon markets, and relevant technical fields.

  • Appointment: Members are appointed by the ICR Leadership for a term of three years, with the possibility of renewal.

  • Chair: A Chairperson will be elected appointed by ICR Leadership.

4. Responsibilities

  • Review and adjudicate all submitted appeals.

  • Ensure adherence to ICR program requirements and procedures.

  • Issue written decisions on each appeal, detailing the rationale for the decision.

  • Recommend changes to ICR procedures and policies if recurring issues are identified.

5. Procedures

6. Confidentiality

All proceedings and documents related to the appeals process are confidential. Members are required to adhere to strict confidentiality agreements, except as required by law or ICR program rules.

7. Reporting

The committee will provide an annual report to the ICR Board of Directors summarizing the number and nature of appeals and decisions made.

8. Amendments

These terms of reference may be amended by the ICR Board of Directors based on recommendations from the Appeals Committee or as deemed necessary.

Last updated