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Under development

This section provides an overview of methodologies currently in development for the International Carbon Registry (ICR). Each methodology is designed to meet the ICR methodology requirements following the ICR Methodology Approval Process, ensuring scientific integrity, transparency, and alignment with global best practices such as ISO 14064-2.

Here, you can explore methodologies in various stages of development—from concept notes to validation and stakeholder consultations.

Stay informed as these methodologies progress through public consultations, validation by approved VVBs, and final approval by the ICR. If you have any comments or feedback your insights are invaluable in shaping the final methodologies.

Methodologies under development


Emission Avoidance from the business-as-usual treatment of plastic waste

  1. Waste handling and disposal

Nature Entrusted Land & Minerals Projects

  1. Fugitive emissions from fuel (solid, oil and gas)

A methodology for carbon avoidance through the nutritional replacement of beef by low-car

  1. Agriculture

Keeping Thermal Coal in the Ground

  1. Mining/mineral production

Reduction of GHG emissions by diverting unsold goods and food wastes from disposal

  1. Waste handling and disposal

Early Plugging of Marginal Oil and Gas Wells in the United States

  1. Mining/mineral production

Myrkol - Rewetting of Peatland Soils

  1. Agriculture

Atmospheric carbon monitoring methodology for land use management projects

  1. Afforestation/reforestation

Last updated