🏨Create an organizational account
This is how you create your organizational account for the registry.
When you have created a user account, you may establish an organizational account.
Organizations that intend to register projects and issue credits must complete a KYB, and the user creating the organizational account must be authorized to do so.
To create an organizational account, go either to carbonregistry.com or to app.carbonregistry.com to log in to the registry as a user with permission to create an organizational account.
From the Home screen, new users can follow the onboarding process and establish an organizational account. This can also be completed later from the account management screen.
When you enter the home/welcome screen, go to "Onboard organization". Under the Create Organization screen, you need to provide the necessary information about the organization.
Here, you provide details about the type of account you are creating. Please see the definitions of different roles in the registry.
Account types are
During setup VVBs can't select VVB account. ICR admin applies the role after signing a Validation and verification agreement.
For general accounts (for holding and retiring ICCs), select Other.
Step 2
Next step is to provide more details about your organization, i.e.:
Country of registration
Registration number
Step 3
Next details of location
Home address
State / province
Zip / postcode
Step 4
Tell us about your role with the organization.
Step 5
If you want to add other team members to the account, you can do so here.
Added members will receive an invitation by email to join the organizational account and guided how to create a user account.
Please note that by default added users are created as non priviledged users. To assign admin privileges, you do so in the account settings.
Step 6
You can add your company logo to the profile in this step.
It´s best to use rectangular or circular logos.
Step 7
The final step is to review information about your organization you provided during the previous steps. You need to confirm you accept the Terms and Conditions that apply to Organizational accounts.
If you are a Project proponent, project developer, market participant, or a VVB, you must have a public profile. For other organizational types, you may choose to have a private account where your information is not publicly available. When you click submit you have created your organizational account.
The user creating the account is automatically assigned as an admin to the account.
After you submit, you are directed again to the Home screen, where you will see a new organizational account you are associated with.
From the Home screen, you can access and manage your Organizational account.
There are multiple additional options for your account under account settings, e.g. Org. bio, inventory disclosure, warehouse, etc. See account management.
Last updated