Create a New Project
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From the "Create a new project" button, you will be directed to a registration form.
In the first dialog, you must provide basic details about your project.
Select the GHG program
Start date of the project
Full name of the project
Short name of the project
Short description of the project
and indicate if this is a grouped project.
On the next screen you need to provide information if this project is transitioning from another GHG program and provide a link to the project in the other registry, along with a statement of no issuance.
Once you have completed the necessary basic information a draft project will be created and you'll be directed to the project screen.
Note that completing the relevant sections in the Project design template prior to initiating the registration speeds up the process.
On the first screen, you're requested to provide
The project headline
Full name of the project
Short description
Select if this is a multiple-project activity
Please use the same short description as you have in the PDD.
For the Headline, please consider applying a user-friendly name.
From the next screen you're requested to provide information about the GHG program and the start date.
You need to select or type in the start date of the project and choose if you're following the ICR program or the Icelandic Forest Carbon Code. Note that different documentation templates apply to the ICR program and the Forest Carbon Code.
From the next screen, you select sector and methodology.
You need to select the most applicable sector that applies to the project activities.
If you're not following a pre-approved methodology, you select the sector that you believe is most relevant for the project activities. The relevant sector will be determined during validation.
When you have selected the primary sector, applicable methodologies are listed as relevant to that sector in the drop-down list of methodologies.
If no applicable methodologies apply to the project activities, you're developing a new methodology, or you're following a methodology that is not listed under the ICR approved methodologies, you shall select ISO 14064-2.
If the project is applying a methodology and deviates from it you need to disclose information about the deviation.
From the last screen, you need to provide information about the status of the project.
Project status in ICR is defined as:
Project concept
Under development
Under validation
For the registration process, you also have the option to choose Project draft.
When selecting the applicable status please consider the difference in documentation and information needed for each status, outlined in ICR process requirements.
If you're only starting the registration and you don't have all the information yet available, please select Project Draft. You can change at later stages.
When you have completed providing the basic information, you will be directed to your new project home screen. From the home screen, you can continue providing more details about the project.